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  1. Prioriteiten voor het wetenschaps- en innovatiebeleid van een nieuwe regering

    De Adviesraad voor wetenschap, technologie en innovatie ziet voor de komende jaren binnen zijn domein twee grote opgaven waarmee ...

    Publicatie | 29-03-2017

  2. Advisory report: Dare to share - Open access and data sharing in science

    This advisory report is about open science, and more specifically about access to scholarly publications (open access) and ...

    Advies | 06-03-2017

  3. Capturing, processing and valorizing knowledge

    Knowledge absorptive capacity is the ability to identify, assimilate and utilise relevant knowledge. It enables research ...

    Publicatie | 06-03-2017

  4. Summary: Flexibility, differentiation, sharper choices - Status of the Dutch Top Sectors policy for research and innovation in 2016

    This report addresses the following question:  Given what the Netherlands has achieved with its Top Sectors approach, what should ...

    Advies | 06-03-2017

  5. Summary of the report: The relationship between teaching and research in higher education - Unity in diversity

    In this report the Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (AWTI) addresses the question of how policy can help ...

    Advies | 06-02-2017

  6. Balans van de Wetenschap 2016

    Publicatie | 23-01-2017

  7. Kabinetsreactie: Houd de basis gezond

    Publicatie | 19-12-2016

  8. Summary of the advisory report: Maintain the basics - Priorities for extra investments in research and innovation

    The time is ripe for substantial extra investments in research and innovation. Extra investments are essential for the future of ...

    Advies | 19-12-2016

  9. Persbericht: Geef bij extra investeringsruimte voorrang aan de basis

    Publicatie | 06-12-2016

  10. Samenvatting: Houd de basis gezond - Prioriteiten voor extra investeringen in onderzoek en innovatie

    Advies | 06-12-2016